3 Things To Consider When Selecting a Surgeon to Perform Your MTF Top Surgery - Donaldson 整形手术-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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By 杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 |

3 Things To Consider When Selecting a Surgeon to Perform Your MTF Top Surgery

The chest can cause a significant amount of discomfort and distress for transgender individuals. 乳房, 特别是, are one of the most gender-identifying features and should strongly reflect a person’s identity.

顶外科(隆胸) can provide a transgender woman with the shapely, feminine breasts she desires to better match her gender identity. Dr. Donaldson understands that the journey to self-discovery for a transgender patient can be complex and arduous. We treat all of our patients with sensitivity and care, our goal is to help make inner confidence more apparent externally.

Here are 3 things to consider when selecting a doctor to perform your Male to Female Top Surgery.

1. 经验和专业知识

A board-certified plastic surgeon has completed a thorough residency, 硕士项目, 还有医学院, must demonstrate proficiency in all areas of plastic surgery before taking the board exams. A board-certified plastic surgeon has the training necessary to ensure safe, beautiful results. It is also critical that your surgeon has experience with the intricacies required to ensure a natural result.

2. 评论及推荐

Dr. Donaldson and his surgical team are extremely proud of their work and our patients are beyond happy with their results. 快速浏览一下我们的 评论和推荐 我会告诉你的. When selecting a surgeon we always suggest reading patient reviews to hear first-hand about former patient experiences. Look for a doctor who is proud of their patient reviews.

3. 个人澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台

Choosing to undergo top surgery is a major decision and it’s completely normal for patients to be nervous, 害怕, 或者对此感到焦虑. One of the most important factors during this process is to feel understood by the surgeon performing the procedure. Test the staff as well – they will also be a huge part of your experience, they should provide experience and care.


杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 specializes in helping individuals feel more comfortable in their own bodies through the use of advanced surgical techniques, 包括 乳房缩小术 and 隆胸 surgeries. He has used his 20+ years of experience and training to build a team of supportive professionals to assist with every step of the patient journey – from the initial planning stages, 到澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网中, 到善后及以后. 

