Choosing the Right 乳房 植入物 Size for Your Body & 生活方式-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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By 杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 |

Choosing the Right 乳房 植入物 Size for Your Body & 生活方式

For many women, the decision to get a 隆胸 一个过程是否需要几个不同的因素才能做出最终决定. 其中一个非常困难的因素是选择合适的种植体尺寸——不要太大, 不要太小. We know that breast size affects many aspects of a woman’s life, 包括她的人际关系, social interactions and overall physical well-being. 我们希望确保患者有资源和指导来选择完美的种植体大小!

快速回顾隆胸患者一天的生活(第二次咨询- 30分钟)

  1. Arrive at our office, meet our team, walk to a private room, remove bra & 换上长袍
  2. 与医生讨论你的个人目标,他们会解释手术计划
  3. The provider will collect various measurements of your breastband
  4. Explore the different types of implant profiles we have available (moderate profile, 完整的配置文件, extra-full概要, 低调 & 低调)
  5. Learn more about the differences in gel cohesivity
  6. Ensure that the chosen implant size 和概要文件 match your base measurements
  7. 在你的天然乳房上试试植入物和运动/压缩胸罩(通常至少有2个尺寸给你选择,并考虑到潜在的不对称)
  8. Confirm that this is the right decision for you and set your surgery date

What Factors Play Into The 植入物 Sizing Process?

这里有一些最重要的因素,要考虑和讨论之前,你的外科医生决定什么种植体的大小选择 你的隆胸.


  • Sternal notch to nipple (bilateral)
  • 乳头间距
  • 底面宽度(双边)
  • Nipple to the inframammary fold

We all know that bra cups are typically sized in A, B, C及以上, but implants are measured in cubic centimeters — cc for short. For approximately every 150 to 200 ccs, the breasts will usually increase about one or one and a half cup sizes. 这取决于你的具体尺寸,甚至取决于胸罩制造商, 但它给了你一个想法! 在咨询期间,你可以尝试不同尺寸的专用胸罩,看看植入物在你身上的外观和感觉.

With such a large range of sizes, 重要的是要意识到,不是每个女人的体型和乳房都能承受更高的隆胸. 你的体型, 包括你天然乳房的宽度以及胸壁的形状和大小, 会影响到 理想的种植体尺寸 to create the desired fullness, 形状, 和概要文件.

你的体型, 包括你天然乳房的宽度以及胸壁的形状和大小, 会影响到 理想的种植体尺寸 to create the desired fullness, 形状, 和概要文件.

Choosing between different breast implants

体型 & Frame

大乳房,无论是天然的还是增强的,都是沉重的,这不足为奇. This can take a toll on a woman’s entire body. 体型较大和/或肌肉较强的女性最适合隆胸, but even they can be susceptible to issues. Choosing a too-large breast implant size can lead to fatigue, 背部和肩部疼痛, 甚至有可能 需要缩胸手术.

Depending on your frame, a high, moderate, or 低调 may work best. 对于那些框架小的人来说,高轮廓可能是理想的,因为这个选项的宽度更窄. 而对于那些肩膀宽、骨架大的人来说,低音量的选择可能会奏效,这样可以创造出均匀的比例.


既然我们已经讨论了几个与身体有关的因素,是时候谈谈生活方式了. 适合活跃女性, 运动员, or women with more physically demanding jobs, larger breast implants may not be ideal. It’s simple: the larger the breasts, 工作时背负额外的重量就会越令人厌烦和潜在的痛苦, 运行, lifting weights or playing a sport.

考虑一下你平时喜欢穿什么样的衣服也很重要, if those items will be compatible with larger breast implant sizes. Augmentation will certainly affect how shirts, 胸罩, 泳装上衣, 衣服也合身, 而诸如提升或重建之类的附加澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网将进一步影响事物.


我们提供三种不同类型的凝胶,所有这些都被认为是“软性”硅胶植入物. All gel implants are designed to maintain upper pole retention, but some maintain a greater percentage than others. 在Donaldson整形外科,我们使用来自Allergan的Natrelle Inspira硅胶植入物.

  • 响应凝聚力最低,最软,有些下降到较低的极,最高保留率为84%
  • 容易上当的人: More upper pole and cleavage, provides both upper pole and lower pole migration and a 91% upper pole retention
  • 有凝聚力的坚固,稳定,非常突出,最低的下极迁移和97%的上极保留

*We can also place a saline implant if you prefer, but silicone is our stable because it is the most natural and durable option.

How Your Plastic Surgeon Can 帮助

乳房 implant fullness profiles

When you meet with our team for your consultation, they will start the conversation by asking what your desires are for your breasts.

If you have inspiration photos to show how you’d like your breasts to look, these can help guide the conversation between you and your surgeon. 乳沟较丰满的女性照片会指导你的外科医生推荐更引人注目的植入方式, 而乳房看起来更自然的女性的照片会指导你的外科医生推荐一个更温和的植入物. Ideally, your model will have a similar build to you.

 在您的咨询期间, 你的外科医生会告诉你隆胸的不同特点, 比如硅胶vs. saline, the cohesivity of the gel, the different projections you can get. 你的外科医生也会检查你的植入物是否应该放在肌肉上, 肌肉下面, 或者在 dual-plane位置.

Finding the Right Size for You

Dr. Donaldson或Dr. 然后,Sieffert会对你的胸部进行测量,帮助你确定一个最适合你体型的植入物尺寸范围. 对你来说,合适的植入物尺寸通常不会超过你胸部的外边界. Once a size range is established, Dr. Donaldson或Dr. 西弗特会给你带来一堆植入物,在这个范围内有不同的配置文件可供选择, you will try them all on and see what you like the best!

Discussing breast implant sizes with 隆胸 surgeon

If you are in between two different sizes, 你的外科医生可能会建议使用大一点的假体,因为它们进入体内后会显得小一点. 许多隆胸手术的修改是因为患者希望植入比原先选择的更大的假体.

Ready to Meet With Our Qualified Surgeons?

There’s a lot to think about when deciding on breast implant sizes. 如果你在考虑 隆胸 surgery in Columbus Ohio and are wondering if it’s right for you, we would love to talk to you. Dr. Donaldson或Dr. Sieffert将根据你的具体解剖结构和你想要的结果进行个性化咨询. They will work with you to determine the best option according to your body 形状. 呼叫 today to schedule a consultation 我们可以帮助确保你从隆胸手术中得到最好的结果.


杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 Author Bio


杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 在哥伦布市有超过20年成功为女性做缩胸手术的经验, Ohio and the entirety of the United States. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, 他利用他的外科专业知识帮助他的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台重拾自信,每天对自己的身体感到更舒适.

