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By Nikki Rucinsky |

The Science of CoolSculpting

It Works – But How?

CoolSculpting是一种不需要手术的有效减脂方法. 你不会经历痛苦,也不会停机,只有结果. This sounds almost too good to be true, right? We’re not here to tell you that it works – we’re going to show you that it does!

CoolSculpting: The Basics

你最喜欢的美容增强剂(如 Botox, Juvederm, DiamondGlow, Latisse, and more,), CoolSculpting是一种非手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,针对的是那些不管你怎么节食和锻炼都不会消失的脂肪. After a CoolSculpting treatment, once that fat is gone, it’s gone for good.

What The Science Says

The science behind CoolSculpting is known as cryolipolysis,直接翻译成“冷脂肪破坏”.” It was recognized and approved by the FDA in 2010. 它通过冷却皮肤下的脂肪细胞来瞄准并杀死它们. 冷却雕刻精英的温度降低到-11°C (12).2°F). 虽然这些温度听起来相当极端,但你的皮肤不会受到任何伤害.

Inforgraphic of how CoolSculpting works

CoolSculpting Destroys 20-25% of Fat Cells


How Body Fat Works

一旦我们进入青春期,我们体内的脂肪细胞数量就会保持不变. You may be asking, “if adults always have the same amount of fat cells, how do we gain and lose weight?” Great question! Fat is stored in these fat cells, so when we gain fat, the cells expand, and when we lose fat, the cells shrink. 因为我们不会生长新的脂肪细胞,当CoolSculpting杀死它们时,这些细胞就不会再回来了.

Popsicles & 减脂:低温脂肪分解的有趣起源 & CoolSculpting

In 2008, Dr. Dieter Manstein and Dr. R. Rox Anderson discovered the science behind cryolipolysis. 他们之前注意到,吃更多冰棒的孩子的脸颊明显比其他孩子薄. 医生们想知道冰棒带来的寒冷是否与此有关. Dr. Manstein and Dr. 安德森进行的试验最终得出结论,冷冻脂肪分解是一种有效的减脂方法.

CoolSculpting was developed using the science of cryolipolysis and has continued to advance over the years. Currently, CoolSculpting Elite is the most advanced form of fat-freezing technology, 而Donaldson整形外科是哥伦布第一家提供这种手术的医院.

What’s the treatment actually like?

It’s easy. This is a non-surgical procedure with no downtime. You don’t have to worry about anesthesia or scars. 在接受澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网之前,您将建立一个咨询,以确保CoolSculpting适合您.

Man getting a Coolsculpting treatment

Your Appointment:

澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台告诉我们,澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网本身实际上是非常放松的, 他们中的许多人在那段时间看电视或小睡.

在您的预约中,您的CoolSculpting专家将从清洁该区域开始. 他们会用凝胶垫保护皮肤不受低温的影响, and then they apply the suction applicator. 一开始可能会觉得有点奇怪,但这并不会伤害你. The area will go completely numb within minutes. Treatments typically last about 30-45 minutes

Our experts will then massage the area. 深层按摩使澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网效果提高67%, because it manually breaks up the fat cells.

The Spot Fat Loss Myth: Diet & Exercise Can’t Target Specific Areas of the Body

We should always practice healthy habits even when not trying to lose weight; however, when we are trying to shed pounds, 饮食和运动并不像我们希望的那样精确. Weight loss can’t target specific areas. 你可能想缩小你的腰间赘肉,但脂肪却会离开你的臀部! 然而,与CoolSculpting,你可以创建你的理想轮廓和 body contour!

Up close image of coolsculpting applicator

Fat Reduction vs. Weight Loss: What The Scale Will Say

CoolSculpting是一种减脂澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网而不是减肥澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 减少脂肪不会彻底改变你的体重,因为肌肉比脂肪重. CoolSculpting kills fat cells, 所以你会看到你的外表有了变化,但秤上的变化不会太大.


Does CoolSculpting last?

Yes! Once the fat cells are frozen, they won’t come back. The remaining fat cells can grow larger, so to maintain your results, you must continue to practice a healthy lifestyle.

Treat Yourself with CoolSculpting Elite

CoolSculpting is scientifically proven to reduce fat. 这是一种简单、无创的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法,会给你带来真实而显著的效果. 你准备好进一步消除顽固的身体脂肪了吗? Give us a call at (614)-442-7610 to get started.

About The Author

Nikki Rucinsky 是一位经验丰富的医学美学家和认证的CoolSculpting提供者在唐纳森整形外科. 通过使用这种非手术技术,她已经帮助数百名患者对自己的皮肤更有澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 尼基继续提供在线教育的个人在整个美国谁可能会考虑CoolSculpting澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网在未来.

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